Records Filed Late: Include records filed after the official file has been closed.
Time Span-Birth: Births that occurred within the timespan selected, with deaths that occurred within 365 days.
Time Span-Death: Infant deaths that occurred within the timespan selected.
Entire State-Birth: Birth records that indicated Oklahoma as the state of residence.
Entire State-Death: Infant death records that indicated Oklahoma as the state of residence.
Counties-Birth: Birth records that indicated a county in Oklahoma as the county of residence. (map of state)
Counties-Death: Infant death records that indicated a county in Oklahoma as the county of residence. (map of state)

Live birth: An infant with signs of life at birth.
Childs Weight:
    Very low: A live birth weighing less than 1,500 grams (3 lb. 5 oz. or less).
    Low: A live birth weighing less than 2,500 grams (5 lb. 8 oz. or less).
    Normal: A live birth weighing between 2,500 and 3,999 grams (5 lb. 9 oz. - 8 lb. 13 oz.).
    High: A live birth weighing 4,000 grams or more (8 lb. 14 oz. or more).
Race: Race of infant as indicated on the death certificate.

Mother's Race:
     All Race/Ethnic specific rates are calculated using population estimates from the National Center for Health Statistics with bridged race categories.

Marital Status:
    Not married: Never married, divorced, or widowed at the time of the infant's birth
    Married: At the time of the infant's birth

Mother's Education:
Low education is considered to be less than 12 grades of school completed
    0-8 years: No education to less than some high school completed
    9-12 years: At least some high school completed
    12 years: High school graduate, G.E.D., or some other equivalent
    13-15 years: Some college
    >= 16 years: At least a college graduate

Prenatal Care: Time prenatal care began (first, second, third trimester or none)

Adequacy of Care :
    Adequate: 1st trimester and 10+ visits
    Intermediate: 1st or 2nd trimester and 4-9 visits
    Little: 1st or 2nd trimester and 1-3 visits
    Late: 3rd trimester Prenatal Care
    No: No Prenatal Care visits
    Poor: Late or no Prenatal Care

Plurality: Number of infants delivered at that time

Previous Live Births:
  High parity:
    Teens - Under 20 years of age with 2 or more previous births
    Adults - Ages 20 and over with 4 or more previous births

Cause of Death:
    ICD: International Classification of Diseases, ninth and tenth revisions  

County: (Map of Oklahoma Counties)

Regions: (Map of Regions)

Region Counties
Central Cleveland, Oklahoma
Northeast Adair, Cherokee, Craig, Creek, Delaware, Kay, Lincoln, Mayes, Muskogee, Noble, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Osage, Ottawa, Pawnee, Payne, Rogers, Sequoyah, Wagoner, Washington
Northwest Alfalfa, Beaver, Blaine, Canadian, Cimarron, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Garfield, Grant, Harper, Kingfisher, Logan, Major, Roger Mills, Texas, Woods, Woodward
Southeast Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Haskell, Hughes, Johnston, Latimer, LeFlore, Marshall, McCurtain, McIntosh, Murray, Pittsburg, Pontotoc, Pottawatomie, Pushmataha, Seminole
Southwest Beckham, Caddo, Carter, Comanche, Cotton, Garvin, Grady, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Jefferson, Kiowa, Love, McClain, Stephens, Tillman, Washita
Tulsa Tulsa

Sub-state Planning District: (Map of Sub-state Planning District)
Planning District Name Counties
ACOG Association of Central Oklahoma Governments Canadian, Cleveland, Logan, Oklahoma
ASCOG Association of South Central Oklahoma Governments Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Jefferson, McClain, Stephens, Tillman
COEDD Central Oklahoma Economic Development District Hughes, Lincoln, Okfuskee, Pawnee, Payne, Pottawatomie, Seminole
EODD Eastern Oklahoma Development District Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah, Wagoner
GGEDA Grand Gateway Economic Development District Association Craig, Delaware, Mayes, Nomata, Ottawa, Rogers, Washington
INCOG Indian Nations Council of Governments Creek, Osage, Tulsa
KEDDO Kiamichi Economic Development District of Oklahoma Choctaw, Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pittsburg, Pushmataha
NODA Northern Oklahoma Development Association Alfalfa, Blaine, Garfield, Grant, Kay, Kingfisher, Major, Noble
OEDA Oklahoma Economic Development Association Beaver, Cimmarron, Dewey, Ellis, Harper, Texas, Woods, Woodward
SODA Southern Oklahoma Development Association Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal Garvin, Johnston, Move, Marshall, Murray, Pontotoc
SWODA South Western Oklahoma Development Authority Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, Roger Mills, Washita

IHS Oklahoma City Area Service Units (Map of IHS Service Units)

The Oklahoma City Area Indian Health Service consists of 12 Service Units.  Nine of these Service Units are located in the State of Oklahoma. A Service Unit is an administrative entity with the Indian Health Service. Each Service Unit in Oklahoma is comprised of multiple counties.

Service Unit Counties
Ada Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, McClain, Murray, Pontotoc
Claremore Craig, Creek, Delaware, Mayes, Nowata, Okfuskee, Okmulgee, Ottawa, Rogers, Tulsa, Wagoner, Washington
Clinton Alfalfa, Beaver, Beckham, Blaine, Canadian, Cimarron, Custer, Dewey, Ellis, Greer, Harper, Kingfisher, Major, Roger Mills, Texas, Washita, Woods, Woodward
Lawton Caddo, Comanche, Cotton, Grady, Harmon, Jackson, Jefferson, Kiowa, Stephens, Tillman
Pawnee Garfield, Grant, Kay, Noble, Osage, Pawnee, Payne
Shawnee Cleveland, Lincoln, Logan, Oklahoma, Pottawatomie
Tahlequah Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Sequoyah
Talihina Atoka, Choctaw, Haskell, Latimer, LeFlore, McCurtain, Pittsburg, Pushmataha
Wewoka Hughes, Seminole

Other Commonly Used Terms

  Infant Death: A live birth dying before completing one year of life
  Neonatal death: A live birth dying before 28 days of life
  Post-neonatal death: A live birth dying between 29 days and one year of life
  Fetal death (still birth): Fetus 20 weeks or more gestation, born dead
  Perinatal death: Combined fetal and neonatal deaths


Infant Mortality Rate = 1,000 x Number of Resident Infant Deaths  /     Number of Resident Live Births

***when calculating the rate for combined years the population is the sum of the populations for the specified time span***