Final Birth Statistics are available from 1975 through the most recent year of data in which all birth records for Oklahoma residents have been received and reviewed by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). These statistics are not subject to change and are available, based on user-specified criteria, as either a table with frequencies or a cross-tabulation. In addition to queries that are user-defined, standard tables are available for a large variety of topics.
The National Center for Health Statistics has discontinued the postcensal bridged-race population estimates (used for calculating rates) with the release of the Vintage 2020 estimates. Starting with 2021 birth statistics, OK2SHARE will display the racial categories used by the U.S. Census Bureau - White, Black, American Indian, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and Two or more races. Hispanic Origin did not change. There will also be 2010 to 2020 trends using the new race categories along with the existing bridged race categories.