Primary Site Site/Type Excluding Type
Buccal cavity and pharynx
Lip C000:C009 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Tongue C019:C029 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Major salivary gland C079:C089 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Floor of mouth C040:C049 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Gum and other mouth C030:C039, C050:C059, C060: C069 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Nasopharynx C110:C119 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Oropharynx C100:C109 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Hypopharynx C129, C130:C139 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other buccal cavity and phary C090:C099, C140, C142:C148 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Digestive system
Esophagus C150:C159 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Stomach C160:C169 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Small intestine C170:C179 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Colon excluding rectum C180:C189, C260 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Rectum and rectosigmoid C199, C209 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Anus C210:C212, C218 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Liver C220 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Gallbladder C239 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Pancreas C250:C259 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other digestive system C221, C240:C249, C268:C269, C480,C481:C482, C488 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Respiratory system
Larynx C320:C329 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Lung and bronchus C340:C349 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other respiratory system C300:C301, C310:C319, C339, C381:C383, C384, C388, C390, C398,C399 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Bones and joints C400:C419 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Soft tissue (including heart) C380, C470:C479, C490:C499 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Skin (excluding basal and squamous)
Melanomas of the skin C440:C449 (types 8720:8790)
Other skin C440:C449 M-8000:8004, 8010:8045, 8050:8082, 8090:8110, 8720:8790, 9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Breast C500:C509 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Female genital system
Cervix uteri C530:C539 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Corpus uteri C540:C549 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Uterus, NOS C559 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Ovary C569 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other female genital system C510:C519, C529, C570:C589 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Male genital system
Prostate C619 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Testis C620:C629 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Penis C600:C609 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other male genital system C630:C639 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Urinary system
Bladder C670:C679 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Kidney and renal pelvis C649, C659 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Ureter C669 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other urinary system C680:C689 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Eye C690:C699 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Brain and other nervous system
Brain C710:C719 M-9050:9055,9140, 9530:9539, 9590:9989
Other nervous system C710:C719 (type 9530:9539), C700:C709, C720:C729 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Thyroid C739 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Other endocrine C379, C740:C749,C750:C759 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
Hodgkin Lymphoma types 9650:9667
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma types 9590:9595, 9670:9677, 9680:9688, 9690:9698, 9700:9717 (9823, 9827) all sites except C420, C421, C424
Multiple myeloma types 9731:9732
Acute lymphocytic types 9821, 9826, 9828
Chronic lymphocytic C420, C421, C424 (type 9823)
Acute myeloid types 9840, 9841, 9861, 9866, 9867, 9871:9874,9910
Chronic myeloid types 9863, 9868
Other types 9800, 9801, 9802:9804, 9820, 9822, 9824, 9825, 9830, 9842, 9850, 9860, 9862, 9864, 9870, 9880, 9890, 9891, 9892:9894, 9900, 9930, 9931, 9932, 9940:9941, C420, C421, C424 (type 9827)
Mesothelioma types 9050:9055
Kaposi Sarcoma types 9140
Other, ill-defined, and unknown types 9720:9723, 9740, 9741, 9760:9768, 9950, 9960:9962, 9970, 9980:9984, 9989
C760:C768, C809 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
C420:C424 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989
C770:C779 M-9050:9055, 9140, 9590:9989