General Instructions:
  • Follow steps to perform desired search. Some steps contain more detailed instructions.
  • Items allowing multiple selections are marked "(Multiple)".
  • To select/deselect multiple items, hold down the CTRL key.
  • Characteristics with nothing selected will imply that there is no subset for that characteristic.
  • Total charges reflect the total billed charges and do not necessarily refer to the costs nor are they synonymous with reimbursements associated with the hospitalization.
Step 1: Select Counties and Time Span (Required)
Calendar Year:

Entire State

County of Residence:


Step 2: Limit Search by Facility (Optional)


      *   To view data for all facilities, select Facilities in the drill level in Step 8.

Step 3: Limit Search by Characteristics of Patient (Optional)





Step 4: Limit Search by Discharge Status (Optional)
Discharge Status:


Step 5: Limit Search by Payer Groups (Optional)
Payer Group


Step 6: Limit Search by Principal Diagnosis (Optional)
Principal Diagnosis Category*:

*   The Blue color in the principal diagnostic category means that it has subcategories that can be accessed by clicking ">>" button. Click Here for principal diagnosis code details. Only detailed diagnosis with more than 50 observations are available. Diagnosis subcategories with 50 or less observations are captured in their Other principal diagnosis category. i.e. Other infectious and parasitic diseases, Other neoplasms, etc.

Step 7: Limit Search by Procedure (Optional)

*   The Blue color in the procedure category means that it has subcategories that can be accessed by clicking ">>" button. Click Here for procedure code details. Only detailed procedures with more than 50 observations are available. Procedure subcategories with 50 or less observations are captured in their Other procedure category. i.e. Other cardiovascular procedures, Other ear, nose, and throat procedures, etc.
Step 8: Define Report Content and Submit Request (Optional)
Report Title: 

Drill Level 1:

Drill Level 2:
Drill Level 3:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Data
Level 3 Data
Level 2 Level 3 Data
Level 3 Data

Additional Statistics* 

Total Charges 

Average Total Charges 
* Additional Statistics are not available when you select drill level 2 or 3.


Sort By: * Sorting is not available when you select drill level 2 or 3.
Order:      Ascending