Entire State -OR- County of Residence: Adair Alfalfa Atoka Beaver Beckham Blaine Bryan Caddo Canadian Carter Cherokee Choctaw Cimarron Cleveland Coal Comanche Cotton Craig Creek Custer Delaware Dewey Ellis Garfield Garvin Grady Grant Greer Harmon Harper Haskell Hughes Jackson Jefferson Johnston Kay Kingfisher Kiowa Latimer Le Flore Lincoln Logan Love McClain McCurtain McIntosh Major Marshall Mayes Murray Muskogee Noble Nowata Okfuskee Oklahoma Okmulgee Osage Ottawa Pawnee Payne Pittsburg Pontotoc Pottawatomie Pushmataha Roger Mills Rogers Seminole Sequoyah Stephens Texas Tillman Tulsa Wagoner Washington Washita Woods Woodward (Multiple)
* To view data for all facilities, select Facility in the drill level in Step 7.
Payer Group: Commercial Medicare Medicaid Veterans affairs / Military Workers Compensation Uninsured / Self-pay Other payers (Multiple)
Body Systems
Procedure Groups Select a procedure group (Multiple)
Drill Level 1:
Additional Statistics
Note: The Additional Statistics options determine the unit of interest involved (i.e., procedure, patient or encounter). If nothing is selected here, the form defaults to encounters, with the exception of queries with either "Body System" or "Procedure Grouping" for a Drill Level. Due to the data structure, queries grouped by either "Body System" or "Procedure Grouping" must return procedures instead. All others will query patients or encounters.