Vital Statistics: Birth, Death, ITOP
For general questions about birth, death and ITOP data, please contact Health Care Information:
Hospital and Ambulatory Surgery Centers
For general questions about hospital and ASC data, please contact Health Care Information:
Health Surveys:
For general questions about BRFSS data, please contact Health Care Information:
For general questions about YRBS data, please contact Thad Burk:
Health Registries:
Birth Defects
For general questions about birth defect data, please contact Oklahoma Birth Defects Registry:
For general questions about cancer data, please contact Health Care Information:
For general questions about HIV/STI data, please contact Casey Van Woerkom, Kunle Adesigbin, Peng Li, or Raffaella Espinoza with Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Services:
For general questions about injury data, please contact Injury Prevention:
Web Support
For general questions, comments, or to report problems with OK2SHARE web, please contact Health Care Information: